The Importance Of Treating Hearing Loss

August 20, 2019

The Importance Of Treating Hearing Loss

treatment for hearing lossAt least 1 in every 10 people in the US suffers from a type of hearing loss. At least half of these people have never had their hearing checked. Keep in mind that hearing problems are likely going to get worse if ignored so you need to get your hearing tested, early and often. In some cases, the damage might be permanent.

Inside your ear, there are tiny hairs that send sound waves to your brain. If there is any damage to these hairs, they will never grow back. You might be doing something to your ear that damages it so you need to find out immediately. Did you know that normal drugs such as antibiotics or aspirin can actually cause hearing problems?

It's important to have your ears checked to take care of any hearing problems immediately. Nerve damage is one of the most common hearing problems. We're an audiologist in Phoenix , and we've seen plenty of patients that come in early enough that they can avoid hearing aids or surgery. But most people wait until their hearing damage is past the point of no return, and need hearing aids to keep their lifestyle intact.

Hearing Aids And Their Benefits 

There are so many misconceptions about hearing aids that keep a lot of people from getting the help they need. In the last few years, these devices have actually come a long way. If you have mild hearing problems, you can definitely benefit from wearing them. Of course, you need to get a hearing test to determine the extent of your hearing loss and whether or not you need hearing aids.

You might assume that there is nothing you can do to cure your hearing loss. Previously, doctors were limited when it came to helping people who had hearing troubles in one ear, experienced nerve damage, or who couldn’t hear high-pitched sounds. However, technology has changed a lot of that. All these individuals can make a lot of strides with hearing aids.

As much as hearing aids might make you "look old," if you can’t hear, that's actually more of an "old person" stereotype. You need to remain sharp and hearing aids will help you get there. Note that with diminished hearing, you could develop a host of other issues such as dementia. Yes, hearing aids might be slightly noticeable to someone, but so what? Most patients we know would rather hear sounds than worry what people think about some tiny device on their ear. Hearing aids are so small these days that they're barely noticeable at all.

Note that the age of hearing aids making  everything  sound too loud is in the past. Now, you can enjoy a sane amount of volume to whatever you are listening to, with split-second compression that mutes loud sounds.

Keep in mind that having hearing loss can change the quality of life. Most people eventually develop anger, stress, loneliness, depression, and memory loss, and even dementia. It could hurt your chances of being promoted at work, and prevent you from hearing words from your loved ones, friends, and family. By using hearing aids, you can improve your self-esteem, physical health and much more.

For children, hearing loss needs to be treated very early. Note that if they can’t hear, it can seriously impact their development if they can’t talk, make friends, communicate or develop normally. When babies are born, their hearing should be checked in the hospital or at least when they are one month old. If there are any issues, they should receive professional help immediately. Check on your toddler who has frequent ear infections. Note that the hearing loss caused by ear infections may be temporary but it might lead to bigger problems in the future if not checked early enough.



The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other hearing-related topics, feel free to contact Tinnitus & Hearing Center of Arizona by clicking here or by calling 480-831-6159.

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