By alyssa brekken March 12, 2025
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) & Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) are similar, but offer different approach to treating tinnitus. Compare them here.
November 19, 2024
As the holidays approach, many of us are gearing up to gather with family and friends for festive meals and celebrations. Cooking, especially during this time, is a multi-sensory experience. From the sizzle of meat on the grill to the bubbling of gravy on the stove to the ding of an egg timer, hearing well in the kitchen is a vital part of the cooking process.
October 19, 2024
Contantly asking "what" & "huh" is far more noticeable than any hearing aid.
hearing aid
June 28, 2024
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get more out of their hearing aids than others? The secret lies in a crucial step called real ear verification.
May 31, 2024
Do you ever find yourself constantly battling with the persistent ringing in your ears, known as tinnitus? If so, you are not alone. Tinnitus affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their daily lives and overall well-being.
February 8, 2024
Love is in the air, which inspired us to write a blog post about finding your perfect match… your perfect hearing aid match, that is! There’s so much information out there and so many rumors about “the best” or “the worst” hearing aids. It can be overwhelming to try to choose!
September 13, 2023
Experiencing tinnitus can have a deeply negative impact on life. As this condition can be difficult to diagnose and treat, finding relief can be overwhelming and may require a combination of medical treatments and lifestyle changes.
Laughting with hearing aid
January 27, 2023
Most of us are looking for ways to cut costs, especially now. If this is something you’ve been thinking about —and you’re someone who will need to purchase hearing aids this year — you might be wondering if switching to an over-the-counter option is a viable option.
Elderly holding hands
November 23, 2022
Here are a few tips to consider before you voice your concerns with your loved one.
August 29, 2022
The five most common complaints spoken by people with untreated hearing loss not caused by an injury and what to do about it.
June 21, 2022
The Rohe Method® of Tinnitus Treatment was created as a unique blend of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy to facilitate retraining the brain.
May 12, 2022
Audiology is a challenging career option consistently rated as a top job choice each year.
April 6, 2022
Before we debunk the most common myths about ear function, we’ll briefly explain the anatomy of the middle ear and ear drum.
By DrRohe27 January 17, 2022
The new year is here and with it comes the hope for a better start! The time has never been a better one to treat your hearing loss in 2022!
By DrRohe27 December 4, 2021
10 Tips for Those With Hearing Loss
By DrRohe27 November 15, 2021
Read more about Severe Tinnitus
By DrRohe27 November 15, 2021
Mental Health & Hearing Loss: How to Help
By DrRohe27 November 15, 2021
If you experience ringing or buzzing in one or both ears, you may have tinnitus. In my other article, I discuss the different causes and treatment for tinnitus. The purpose of this article is to investigate research that links COVID-19 to tinnitus.
By DrRohe27 May 29, 2021
By DrRohe27 January 23, 2020
Your hearing is one of your most valuable assets. It connects you to your friends, family, and the world around you. What you may not realize, however, is the degree to which hearing takes place in your brain, not in your ears! In fact, because your brain is different from everyone else’s, you hear differently from other people around you. Our 5-star-rated hearing specialists in Tempe, AZ are happy to discuss the fascinating ways that your brain helps you to hear…and the ways that BrainHearing™ technology has brought hearing aid treatment to an entirely new level.
By DrRohe27 January 23, 2020
Ringing in your ears or Tinnitus (pronounced tin-NY-tus) is an annoyance at best. When it continues as a chronic problem, it can also disrupt your life in more ways than one. Whether you suffer from unwanted sound in your ears on rare occasions or as part of an ongoing battle, our Tempe, AZ ear doctor offers cutting-edge treatment to help quiet the ringing in your ears.
By DrRohe27 January 23, 2020
If you have been considering hearing rehabilitation for yourself but dislike the appearance of hearing aids, then we have great news for you! Thanks to the incredible advancements in hearing-assistive technology today, hearing aids are now available that can improve your sound experience with true discretion. Keep reading to learn more about our invisible hearing aid devices in Tempe, AZ.
By DrRohe27 January 23, 2020
At Tinnitus & Hearing Center of Arizona, our experienced team for hearing loss in Tempe, AZ strives to be the most compassionate expert of hearing loss. That’s why we want to emphasize the importance of protecting your hearing from loud sounds so you can avoid the difficulties that accompany noise-induced hearing damage. By opting for earplugs during a loud concert or in a noisy work environment, or by keeping the volume low when you wear headphones, you help to ensure a lifetime of better hearing. Why does noise cause such damage to our ears, however?
By DrRohe27 January 23, 2020
According to our expert audiologist, recent studies on hearing aid use have made an astounding discovery. Although hearing loss treatment technology has improved significantly during the last decade, hearing instrument user satisfaction has not increased at the same rate. If you wear hearing aids or are thinking of pursuing hearing loss rehabilitation, this may be the most important article you read all year! Keep reading to learn how to ensure a 5-star hearing aid experience for yourself with real-ear hearing aid measurements in Tempe, AZ.
By DrRohe27 September 9, 2019
(480) 831-6159
By DrRohe27 September 5, 2019
(480) 831-6159
By DrRohe27 August 27, 2019
There are several reasons for the differences in the findings of these studies. First and foremost, many of these studies that report a connection between depression and hearing loss are of the epidemiological sort. These cohort or cross-sectional studies are often tainted with bias on the part of the researchers and this will obviously affect the conclusions and makes the findings dubious.
By DrRohe27 August 26, 2019
The latest approach involves a more enhanced and precise version of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing system. This system is better able to recognize a mutation which results in hearing loss that is progressive in an animal model called the "Beethoven mice." The tool provided researchers with a way to disable Tmc1 which is a hearing gene known as the defective-copy without affecting or disturbing the copy that is healthy.
By DrRohe27 August 20, 2019
Inside your ear, there are tiny hairs that send sound waves to your brain. If there is any damage to these hairs, they will never grow back. You might be doing something to your ear that damages it so you need to find out immediately. Did you know that normal drugs such as antibiotics or aspirin can actually cause hearing problems?
By DrRohe27 August 16, 2019
If you live in the metro area of Phoenix, hearing testing might come up when speaking to your doctor, and he/she may ask you to get your ears tested. This does not in any way mean that something is wrong. It is just that the doctor needs you to have a hearing test to make sure that your ears are working as they should.
By DrRohe27 August 14, 2019
Certainly hearing aids are the easiest remedy for those who suffer from loss of hearing, but sometimes cost can prohibit the purchase. Lipreading is an important skill for many people who have hearing loss. They are able to recognize the lip shapes, gestures and facial movements of someone when they speak. This helps them to communicate well. Next time you speak with someone with the loss of hearing, assist them to lipread the speaker in a variety of ways.
By DrRohe27 August 6, 2019
Presbycusis or age-related hearing loss is common in elderly people that occur because of natural neurodegenerative processes. It affects the cochlear receptor cells and brain circuits that are involved in auditory perception. Clinically, older people may have high-frequency hearing loss on both sides and reduced ability to understand speech. Using a hearing aid is the best way to deal with hearing loss at old age. However, you may wonder, if the ability to differentiate different notation of music changes too. ​ Can you enjoy music at old age?
By DrRohe27 July 30, 2019
Aging is inevitable and every individual has to face its natural consequences, which includes hearing loss. The good news is, besides being lucky to have lived for more than 65 years or more, there is help available to address your concerns about hearing.
By DrRohe27 July 26, 2019
During a live performance, you are surrounded by a myriad of sounds in various frequencies like the PA system, the amplifiers, sound from different instruments and of course the crowd singing along with you. The challenge is to be able to listen to your own instrument or voice in the midst of the cacophony
By DrRohe27 July 24, 2019
(480) 831-6159
By DrRohe27 July 20, 2019
In 2016, Oticon Medical introduced its Opn™ hearing aid , which offers Multi-Speaker Access Technology (MSAT) in Oticon’s OpenSound Navigator™ (OSN).
By DrRohe27 July 18, 2019
Tinnitus is when you hear noises that are not caused by an outside source. There may be a constant or intermittent ringing, buzzing, throbbing sound in one or both ears or in the head. Clearly, this is a very annoying condition. It can occur due to many reasons including exposure to loud noise or an ear infection.
By DrRohe27 July 12, 2019
‘Airplane Ear’ is very common. It is usually quite moderate and fixes itself in many cases. However, it may turn severe and the pain may get worse. The pressure in the ears may resemble that of an underwater diver. Furthermore, you may experience moderate to severe hearing loss, ringing in your ear (tinnitus) or spinning sensation (vertigo). The ears may also bleed in extreme cases.
By DrRohe27 July 11, 2019
Tempe audiologist
By DrRohe27 July 5, 2019
Our patient, Lt. Colonel Ralph "Slick" Aguirre, USAF (Retired) started his career in aviation flying Huey helicopters in Vietnam at the age of eighteen. He went on to fly F-15 fighter jets in the US Air Force. From there he transitioned into a civilian career in aviation flying for Southwest Airlines. The years he spent in aviation started to seriously affect his ears. The situation reached the point where he grounded himself from flying any longer, for fear it was no longer possible without causing further damage to his ears. Slick arrived at our clinic looking for any possible help. We're happy to report that we have Slick flying again and he couldn't be happier. Slick graciously offered Dr. Rohe the opportunity of a lifetime to fly in this plane as a way of saying thanks for treating his tinnitus and keeping him up in the air. He recently told Dr. Rohe that all the time he spent flying was the equivalent of three full years in the air. That is quite an accomplishment.
By DrRohe27 July 5, 2019
A start-up in Ireland has developed a totally fresh concept for treating tinnitus, and it's one that employs a fascinating technology.
By DrRohe27 June 18, 2019
Hearing is one of the five senses, as we all know. A newborn is usually tested for hearing to determine if there is any permanent hearing loss at birth. Those with normal hearing are re-examined again at school at some point. There is no regular hearing test requirements carried out after school, which means, unless someone identifies any symptom, hearing loss is not diagnosed until symptoms are noticeable.
By DrRohe27 June 18, 2019
On the other hand, use of a hearing aid is not something that needs to be hidden. We don't hide the fact that we wear glasses to improve our eyesight, do we? It's just a tool, just like a hearing aid.
By DrRohe27 June 14, 2019
Misophonia usually develops during childhood or early adolescence. The feeling of anger or rage appears suddenly or after an emotional incident. Very often, people misunderstand and don’t realize that it is because of a hearing problem.
By DrRohe27 June 7, 2019
Tinnitus is often described as a phantom sound sensation where you hear ringing noises which are not caused by an outside source. It is a very common condition in which one in about every seven people experiences ringing sounds in their lifetime. This means millions are affected worldwide.
By DrRohe27 June 5, 2019
You might be suffering from hyperacusis if: • You feel sudden discomfort hearing a sound that would be otherwise perceived as normal. So, the everyday sound seems much louder. • You will have an increased sensitivity to sounds, for example, a dog barking, vacuum cleaner or a car engine. • You feel pain and distressed as a result of a normal sound. • The general well being and productivity is affected due to different sounds.
By DrRohe27 May 31, 2019
Would you voluntarily stand right by an ambulance for a 90-minute set? I sure hope not. But concert-goers and musicians do about the same at loud concerts.
By DrRohe27 May 29, 2019
If you are unable to hear as well as a person with normal hearing, which is about 50 decibels (dB), then you may be affected by hearing loss. It can affect one or both your ears.
By DrRohe27 May 14, 2019
Tinnitus is not an actual condition; it is a symptom of some type of underlying condition, such as an ear injury, circulatory system disorder or age-related hearing loss.
By DrRohe27 May 9, 2019
Cheap doesn't always get you what you need In our opinion, it is best to buy hearing aids from a local provider who will be able to provide ongoing adjustments and service for the lifetime of the hearing aid (normally the purchase price includes this). Free unlimited office visits on the life of the hearing aid are offered by Tinnitus and Hearing Center of Arizona if you purchase the hearing aid from us.
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